package com.linkedin.databus.util; /* * * Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonFactory; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator; import; /** * Generate an Avro schema to describe the fields of a database table. */ public class FieldToAvro { public String buildAvroSchema(String namespace, String topRecordAvroName, String topRecordDatabaseName, String[][] headers, TableTypeInfo topRecordTypeInfo) { if (namespace == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("namespace should not be null."); if (topRecordAvroName == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("topRecordAvroName should not be null."); if (topRecordDatabaseName == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("topRecordDatabaseName should not be null."); if (topRecordTypeInfo == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("topRecordTypeInfo should not be null."); FieldInfo fieldInfo = new FieldInfo(topRecordDatabaseName, topRecordTypeInfo, -1); Map<String, Object> field = fieldToAvro(fieldInfo, true); // Overwrite the name with the nice Java record name field.put("name", topRecordAvroName); // Add namespace field.put("namespace", namespace); // Add doc and serialize to JSON try { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a zzz"); field.put("doc", "Auto-generated Avro schema for " + topRecordDatabaseName + ". Generated at " + df.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory(); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); JsonGenerator jgen = factory.createJsonGenerator(writer); jgen.useDefaultPrettyPrinter(); mapper.writeValue(jgen, field); return writer.getBuffer().toString(); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } private Map<String,Object> fieldToAvro(FieldInfo fieldInfo, boolean asSchema) { TypeInfo typeInfo = fieldInfo.getFieldTypeInfo(); //System.out.println(fieldInfo.getFieldName() + ":" + typeInfo.getClass().getSimpleName() + " --> " + asSchema); if (typeInfo instanceof SimpleTypeInfo) { return simpleTypeToAvro(fieldInfo, (SimpleTypeInfo) typeInfo); } else if (typeInfo instanceof UserTypeInfo) // TableTypeInfo is now a subclass of this { return tableOrUserTypeToAvro(fieldInfo, (UserTypeInfo) typeInfo, asSchema); } else if (typeInfo instanceof CollectionTypeInfo) { return collectionTypeToAvro(fieldInfo, (CollectionTypeInfo)typeInfo); } return null; } private Map<String,Object> collectionTypeToAvro(FieldInfo fieldInfo, CollectionTypeInfo typeInfo) { Map<String,Object> field = new HashMap<String,Object>(); // Field name String name = SchemaUtils.toCamelCase(fieldInfo.getFieldName()); field.put("name", name); // Field type FieldInfo elementFieldInfo = new FieldInfo(typeInfo.getElementTypeInfo().getName(), typeInfo.getElementTypeInfo(), 0); Map<String, Object> itemsRecordType = fieldToAvro(elementFieldInfo, true); Map<String, Object> arrayType = new HashMap<String, Object>(); arrayType.put("name", name + "Array"); arrayType.put("type", "array"); arrayType.put("items", itemsRecordType); List<Object> nullableType = new ArrayList<Object>(); // ["null", { .. arrayType .. }] nullableType.add("null"); nullableType.add(arrayType); field.put("type", nullableType); field.put("default", null); // Field metadata String dbFieldName = fieldInfo.getFieldName(); int dbFieldPosition = fieldInfo.getFieldPosition(); String dbFieldType = fieldInfo.getFieldTypeInfo().getName(); String meta = buildMetaString(dbFieldName, dbFieldPosition, dbFieldType, null); itemsRecordType.put("meta", meta); return field; } private Map<String,Object> tableOrUserTypeToAvro(FieldInfo fieldInfo, UserTypeInfo typeInfo, boolean asSchema) { Map<String,Object> field = new HashMap<String,Object>(); // Field name String name = SchemaUtils.toCamelCase(fieldInfo.getFieldName()); field.put("name", name); // Field type Map<String,Object> realType = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // check if we are a "top-level" record or not Map<String,Object> fieldsDest = asSchema ? field : realType; if (asSchema) { // asSchema is true only for the very topmost level of the schema (type = record; should never be null) // and for the "items" descriptor in collectionTypeToAvro() (aggregate descriptor of sub-fields; latter // may be null individually, but descriptor presumably never can be). Ergo, "default":null makes sense // only in the other half of this conditional. field.put("type", "record"); } else { realType.put("type", "record"); // inner, curly-brace level ("real" structure) realType.put("name", typeInfo.getName()); List<Object> nullableType = new ArrayList<Object>(); // outer, square-brackets level (solely for nullability) nullableType.add("null"); nullableType.add(realType); field.put("type", nullableType); field.put("default", null); // field default value: only for this level? } // Child fields List<Map<String, Object>> fields = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); for (FieldInfo childField : typeInfo.getFields()) { Map<String, Object> childFieldMap = fieldToAvro(childField, false); fields.add(childFieldMap); } fieldsDest.put("fields", fields); // Field metadata String dbFieldName = fieldInfo.getFieldName(); int dbFieldPosition = fieldInfo.getFieldPosition(); String dbFieldType = fieldInfo.getFieldTypeInfo().getName(); String pk = typeInfo.getPrimaryKey(); // null unless TableTypeInfo (== top-level table) String meta = buildMetaString(dbFieldName, dbFieldPosition, dbFieldType, pk); field.put("meta", meta); // Return the Map for this field return field; } private Map<String, Object> simpleTypeToAvro(FieldInfo fieldInfo, SimpleTypeInfo typeInfo) { Map<String,Object> field = new HashMap<String,Object>(); // Field name String name = SchemaUtils.toCamelCase(fieldInfo.getFieldName()); field.put("name", name); // Field default value (for Avro unions, corresponds to _first_ field type in list) field.put("default", null); // Field type String[] type = new String[] {"null", typeInfo.getPrimitiveType().getAvroType()}; field.put("type", type); // Field metadata String dbFieldName = fieldInfo.getFieldName(); int dbFieldPosition = fieldInfo.getFieldPosition(); String dbFieldType = fieldInfo.getFieldTypeInfo().getName(); String meta = buildMetaString(dbFieldName, dbFieldPosition, dbFieldType, null); field.put("meta", meta); // Return the Map for this field return field; } private String buildMetaString(String dbFieldName, int dbFieldPosition, String dbFieldType, String pk) { // Metadata for database field name and position. // Have to store this as a serialized String, since Avro's "getProp()" method will not return // a complex object. We still write it in JSON, but it will be escaped and put in a String that // we have to deserialize later. StringBuilder meta = new StringBuilder(); if(dbFieldName != null) { meta.append("dbFieldName=" + dbFieldName + ";"); } if(dbFieldPosition != -1) { meta.append("dbFieldPosition=" + dbFieldPosition + ";"); } if (dbFieldType != null) { meta.append("dbFieldType=" + dbFieldType + ";"); } if ((null != pk) && (!pk.isEmpty())) { meta.append("pk=" + pk + ";"); } return meta.toString(); } }